Briefly in English

Väylä ry is a non-profit organization whose goal is that in the future every person with intellectual disabilities will receive a reasonable salary for the work they do. We offer expert, sewing, and packaging and assembly services to companies and communities, and we do advocacy work to improve the working situation of people with developmental disabilities.

Request an offer and contact us using the form at the bottom of the page or send a message directly to

Väylä ry

Parity. Advancement. Courage.

Väylä ry is an ambitious and constantly growing organization.

Socially, Väylä's goal is to be a reliable and well-known expert organization in issues related to the employment of people with intellectual disabilities, and to bring out themes from the perspective of the workplace and employers, with the voice of the employees.

As a service provider, the organization's goal is to establish its position as a reputable and reliable service provider, e.g. for assembly, packaging and sewing tasks, and with that get increasingly larger and longer-lasting customers.

As an employer, the organization's goal is to create and maintain a prosperous and functioning diverse work community where every individual feels good about working. In addition, Väylä's goal is to create an even stronger employer image, emphasizing Väylä's role as an employer and equal to other players in the business world.

Come and make an impact

You can come and influence Väylä's activities by becoming a member of our association via the link at the bottom of this page. Membership is free, but you can pay a voluntary membership fee when you join. The voluntary membership fee is paid annually and is 15€ for individual members (or the larger amount you want) and 200€ for companies/organizations (or the larger amount you want).

Membership does not obligate you to anything. However, as a member, you can participate in board meetings open to all members, as well as annual meetings, where every member has the right to vote. You can also run for the board. Väylä's board acts as an advisory and activity-directing body, which means that if you wish, you can directly influence the organization's activities and future.

Sewing services

We do a variety of sewing jobs to order for companies and communities at our office in Espoo. By ordering work from us, you are participating in employing intellectually disabled professionals, supporting responsible employment and making our society more equal.

Packaging and assembly services

We do a variety of packing, assembly and unpacking work for companies and communities at our office in Espoo or at the customer's own premises. By ordering work from us, you are participating in employing intellectually disabled professionals, supporting responsible employment and making our society more equal.

Expert services

At Väylä, we do extensive advocacy work to improve the working situation of people with developmental disabilities, and we offer our expertise to others as well. We offer lectures as well as consulting and conceptualization related to employment, and we are happy to customize a package that suits your purposes.

Ota yhteyttä!

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Pyydä tarjous tai ota yhteyttä yhteistyön tiimoilta, vastaamme viesteihin 1-3 päivän kuluessa. Tehdään yhdessä työelämästä yhdenvertaisempaa!

Ole osa muutosta - liity jäseneksi

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Tule mukaan tekemään työelämästä yhdenvertaisempaa!